Welcome Scooby-Doo
Sounds like you have an interesting story when you're ready.
Reopened Mind
i have been reading this forum for about a year on and off.
it was a great help in discovering the real history of the jws and helped me realize what a controlling religion (cult?
very recently i stopped all contact with my kingdom hall and have quit my study, so i thought it was about the right time to sign up here.. i am (was) the third generation of my family to be involved with the witnesses.
Welcome Scooby-Doo
Sounds like you have an interesting story when you're ready.
Reopened Mind
a new member "saltyoldlady" just joined the board on the introductory thread of another new member here.
i didn't want the op's thread highjacked, so please welcome saltyoldlady on this thread.. .
We are anxious to hear your story.
A cross-eyed possum for your avatar? LOL Or a seagull? I am waiting for Simon to get the new site
up and running to put up my avatar.
Reopened Mind
happy belated brithday to my loving wife.
sorry i did not do this sooner.
fighting the flu and both of us working hard lately.
Thank you sweetie. I had a wonderful time today at our special seaside town where we spent our honeymoon 37 years ago next month.
It feels good to be celebrating my birthday again after being deprived for so long. I look forward to celebrating yours in June. We spent
the day with special friends who are helping us with our fade.
Thank you nugget.
Thank you leavingwt.
Thank you SweetBabyCheezits.
And a special thank you to jamiebowers for spelling my username correctly.
Reopened Mind
My sympathies on the passing of your father and many sympathies for the attitude of your JW mom and sister.
Reopened Mind
the watchtower ?
may 15, 2011 page 8. .
6 to exercise his headship in imitation of christ, a husband must learn to think of himself as a shepherd and of those under his care as sheep.
Besides being "relatively dumb animals" the sheep are for the sole use of the shepherd. The reason a shepherd keeps sheep
is for its wool, milk, and meat. If you carry this analogy to its logical conclusion the husband/shepherd has the right to
kill his family/sheep.
Reopened Mind
my wife and i have read carefully through chapter 5 of the new elders manual when we do our " personal study " in bed on saturday mornings !
so without further delay , notice this quote from the new elders manual, " there are times when an emotionally distressed christian may seek professional help.
whether a christian or his family pursues treatment from psychiatrists , psychologists, or therapists is a personal decision.
Thanks Band on the Run. I appreciate your legal input. Neither TotallyADD nor I had the presence of mind to think to ask for a copy at the time.
The courts and/or a board of ethics need written proof to investigate a complaint. Without written proof it is just hearsay. I know you understand
what a vulnerable position this can be from your experience with the unethical dentist. Thanks for sharing.
Reopened Mind
i have had it with my mother.
i've spoken on the board before about her.
she is fanatically religious, often keeps me on the phone for hours while she talks endlessly about the bible.
Hugs to you serenitynow! My husband has a similar situation to yours with his mother. If your mother is mentally ill and she refuses help then there is really nothing you can do
except distance yourself for your own sanity.
Reopened Mind
my wife and i have read carefully through chapter 5 of the new elders manual when we do our " personal study " in bed on saturday mornings !
so without further delay , notice this quote from the new elders manual, " there are times when an emotionally distressed christian may seek professional help.
whether a christian or his family pursues treatment from psychiatrists , psychologists, or therapists is a personal decision.
FLIPPER: To clarify the JW lady was a therapist (master's degree) not an MD or psychiatrist (doctor's degree). TotallyADD finished his therapy 5 years ago. Even though she helped him clear his mind
it still took him some time before he could figure out it's a cult. She doesn't know he thinks the Witnesses are a cult.
Reopened Mind
the new study watchtower page 9 explains how sisters should be happy to be servants to their elder husbands.. "co-operate in financial matters".
"joyful to see her husband active in the congregation".
if he makes a decision you disagree with "she displays a quiet and mild spirit and cooperates with him to make his decision work".
I was an elder's wife who did my best to support my husband's decisions. I was a convert not a born-in so tried hard to conform------until I began to realize that perhaps
I had some better ways of looking at things simply because I had a different perspective growing up than he did as a born-in. So for a long time I was content to "wait on
Jehovah" for "new light". I think the breaking point for me was when we moved 800 miles away because he couldn't handle all the noise of the city. So we tried a more
self-sufficient life style and failed miserably. We had to move back and live with his parents with 3 small children in tow. His parents were staunch JWs. From time to time
the WT would publish articles showing appreciation for the hard work and support of the sisters. Eventually I saw that this was lip service only. It was several more years
before I could see that my husband was suffering from mental and emotional issues which I have struggled to understand. I knew that somehow I had to make certain
decisions for the good of our family. This was not easy as it still had to look like he made the decisions. (Everything is about keeping up appearances.) Looking around now
I see that many of the elders, MS, and brothers in general suffer from serious mental conditions. An elder's wife I know divorced her husband because she could no longer
live with him being bipolar. O if only it was acceptable to seek help. But as has been said many times here before the WT doesn't care about its members, only their image.
I am happy to say that now my husband and I are equal partners as we are learning to function this way. This way of viewing each other has lifted a great weight from
our shoulders.
Reopened Mind
currently mine are: peking duck pancakes, a sexy danish guy ( love those danes) and sleep.
yes thats right, have spent 4 nights without sleep,... the old withdrawal symtoms still banging on don't ya know!.
am currently at the point where smashing plates seems like a very refreshing and appropriate activity.
Reopened Mind